December 18, 2010

20101215 Wednesday Walk (2)

Ah, the sweet smell of dampened earth.
Just got to find time to take a photo of each tree
that are here.
A weaving that just falls into place,

Wait.. Stop.. Shadows..
Got to get this!
This would be a nice entry for Shadow Shot Sunday
Visit this site to find out more...
Oops, wait till Sunday or take a look at past entries.

This leaf reminds me of Adam
I should have noticed this 
and make good us of it
with the right pose.

Good Day!


  1. Lovely, warm looking shadows! Those definitely appeal to me today! Hope you have a great weekend, Becky!


  2. The weather there looks so lovely. Trees are freshly green and, thanks to a shiny sunlight, you have a great shadow shots!!!
    Thanks for commenting on my blog.
    Have a wonderful day.

  3. I very much enjoyed your walk! Great shadow shots! Enjoy what's left of your weekend and have a great Christmas :)

  4. It's so strange to see such landscapes, warm and sunny, when on a lot of blogs we can see only snow and cold!

    Thank you so much for the chinese translation for "bench"!!I cannot write it with chinese alphabet but at least I have a word! (even two!Ü)


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