October 25, 2010

What Do You Want To Say?

A tired man:    At what time does your last film begin?

Mrs. W:   I'm sorry, you got the wrong number.

The tired man:   Oh, it began 30 minutes ago? Okay. Thank You.

Mrs. W. told Mr. W. about the weird phone call.

Mr. W:   That man must be happy. His wife wanted to go to the cinema but he wanted to stay at home.

Me: Tell me what it was about.

Student A: The man who called the cinema where his wife wanted to go to must be feeling tired.

Me: Try again. Does the wife want to go to a place or does she want to do something?

Student A: The man who called must be feeling tired because his wife wanted to go to the cinema.

Me: The man who called must be feeling tired because his wife wanted to go to the cinema must be feeling tired.

Student A: What's the difference? I am using a relative clause.

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